Desafío: Centro de intervención temprana
Is my child developmentally keeping up with other children their age? Is he/she meeting their milestones? These are questions that many parents have asked. To help with these concerns, we have partnered with Challenge Early Intervention Center, a full-service early intervention center.
Servicios ofrecidos en Challenge
- Evaluaciones de desarrollo
- Speech/Language, Feeding, Audiology & Vision Services
- Terapia física y ocupacional
- Dispositivos y servicios de tecnología de asistencia
- Servicios de psicología y trabajo social
- Análisis de comportamiento aplicado (ABA)
- Educación especial
- Asesoramiento nutricional
- Coordinación de servicios (inicial y continua)
- Asesoramiento / apoyo familiar
- Talleres y grupos de apoyo para padres / cuidadores
Challenge Early Intervention Center will do it all! No need to be nervous. We will be with you every step of the way; everything right down to the evaluation.