We currently offer 2 Preschool programs.
Private/Voucher Program 2k, 3k & PreK and Department of Education (DOE) 3K & PreK
Private/Voucher program:
If you currently have an ACS, HRA, or voucher through your job or want a private school for your child, this is the program for you. The biggest difference in this program vs. the DOE program is in this program every student must be accepted into the school and, does a one-week trial to get in. The DOE program is offered to the general public. This program also has fewer days off because we do not follow a national holiday schedule. The curriculum of the 2 programs is the same which exceeds the national standard for preschool education. Our curriculum standards are overseen by an independent board of experts that oversee schools throughout the country, not just NYC. We want your child to leave YMIM with the tools not only to be able to compete in NYC but on a national level. The one difference in the curriculum is the preparation for the gifted and talented exam. In this program, there is a focus on preparing the students to be ready to take the G&T admissions exam for kindergarten. School days are from 8 am ? 5:30 pm all year round. Breakfast, lunch, and snacks are provided.
Tuition:$300 per week discounts can be given
Early drop off: 6:30 am to 8 am is $10 per day
Department of Education (DOE) program:
This is for 3k (children born in 2018) and PreK (children born in 2017). We do not have a DOE 2k program. This program runs from 8 am ? 2.20 pm, September ? June. Breakfast, lunch, and snacks are provided. If you qualify based on income, the program is extended to 8 am ? 5:30 pm all year round. This program will follow the DOE school closing schedule. To enroll in this program and find out the income eligibility for extending day/year you must go to the DOE website @
The curriculum for this program will follow the same curriculum as the private program minus G&T prep.
For parents enrolled in this program who do not qualify for extended day/extended year, there is a private pay solution.
During the summer June and July:
Tuition is $ 300 per week and breakfast; lunch and snacks are provided.
During the school year:
Early drop off ? 6:30 am to 8 am is $10 per day and breakfast is provided.
Extend day 2:30 pm ? 6 pm for $30 per day and snack is provided.
*All tuition payments are made at the start of the week for service that week and are paid through the school?s app.
Programa preescolar (de 2 a 5 años)
Program Overview
Our preschool program is structured as the first formal introduction to the ?academic? learning for your child. We will focus on cogitative, social, gross motor, and fine motor skills, music appreciation, healthy living, fitness as well as dramatic play. It is with great enthusiasm that we will introduce our Project-Based learning technique to actively engage learning for a deeper knowledge of the subjects they?re studying. The key is to introduce various tools they will need for their future school and life experience, all tailored to their specific age.
Aprenderán a escribir su nombre, letras, contar, atarse los zapatos y aprender a ir al baño.
Con el uso de tecnología interactiva, iPad, pizarras inteligentes, tabletas, tendrán el mundo al alcance de la mano.
Las actividades preescolares que se encuentran en nuestro plan de estudios incluyen juego imaginativo, música y sociales, arte y académicos, juego de habilidades motoras a través de bloques y escaladores, y desarrollo cognitivo a través de la introducción al alfabeto, rompecabezas, juegos mentales y más.

Desarrollo del lenguaje
- Verbalizar nombre, edad
- Distinguir letras de números y palabras
- Participa en el aprendizaje del proyecto
- Aprender lenguaje de señas
- Learn Mandarin (Chinese)
- Learn Spanish
- Comprender y seguir instrucciones
Matemáticas / Ciencias
- Recognize and recreate number symbols 0 ? 10
- Match number set to number symbols 0 ? 30
- Desarrollar la comprensión del tiempo
- Recopile y registre la fecha en listas y gráficos
- Identificar momentos del día
- Comprender los conceptos del clima
- Programas de ajedrez
Preparación para la lectura
- Reconocer y recrear todas las letras del alfabeto.
- Asociar letras y sonidos
- Identificar palabras básicas reconocibles a la vista
- Escribe palabras familiares
- Centro de mesa inteligente
- Centro de Computación
Apreciación de las artes, el fitness y la música
- Obra dramática
- Teatro
- Yoga
- Entrenamiento deportivo
- Danza
- Introducción a varios compositores musicales.