Que y por que es importante

Nuestros niños son enviados a la escuela para aprender. Para aprender, el material debe ser nuevo. La mayoría de las personas solo aprenden a nadar una vez. No pondrías a alguien que sabe nadar en una clase para principiantes sin importar su edad. Una vez que hayas aprendido el crol, querrás pasar a otros estilos, como el de la mariposa. Pasar tiempo nadando mientras tus compañeros de clase todavía están averiguando la respiración lateral es tiempo que no se aprende. El aula no es diferente. Algunos niños están por delante de sus compañeros en lo académico. Reaprender el material no tiene sentido para ellos. Algunos niños aprenden mucho más rápido que otros. Darles hojas de trabajo adicionales (? Vueltas de natación?) No les enseñará más. En Young Minds In Motion nos enfocamos en qué material está alineado académicamente, no alineado con la edad.

¿Cómo continuaremos con esto una vez que dejen Young Minds in Motion?

NYC already has a program in place for these students; they have to qualify by passing an exam. Here are the details. The NYC Gifted and Talented Test is an assessment administered by the city?s Department of Education (DOE) to identify gifted children aged 4-7 (students who are entering Kindergarten through third grade) and determine their eligibility for admission into New York City?s G&T schools and programs. NYC?s G&T test includes two equal portions derived from two commonly administered gifted assessments: Verbal section of the OLSAT® (Otis-Lennon School Abilities Test®, Eighth Edition) ? comprises 50% of the composite score Nonverbal section of the NNAT®-2 (Naglieri Nonverbal Abilities Test, Second Edition) ? comprises 50% of the composite score There are two types of Gifted & Talented programs. Admission to these programs are based on your child?s test score: District G&T programs are offered at district elementary schools. They prioritize admitting students who live in the local communities served by the school. You are only eligible to apply to these programs if you score a 90 or above. Citywide G&T schools accept students from all boroughs. There is no admission priority given based on where you live. You are only eligible to apply to these programs if you score a 97 or above.

Ejemplos de preguntas para estudiantes dotados y talentosos de NYC

¿Se pregunta qué tipo de preguntas se le harán a su hijo en el examen NYC para estudiantes dotados y talentosos? A continuación se muestran cinco ejemplos.

IMPORTANT: While the NYC Gifted and Talented Test sample questions shown on this page are representative of what your child will be seeing, they are not directly taken from the actual test being administered this year.

NYC Gifted Test Sample Question #1 ? OLSAT® (Otis-Lennon School Abilities Test®, Eighth Edition), Following Directions

Parent, say to your child: ?Point to the picture that shows a bird flying.?

NYC Gifted Test Sample Question #2 ? OLSAT®, Aural Reasoning

Parent, say to your child: ?Point to the picture that shows two animals that children often keep as pets.?

NYC Gifted Test Sample Question #3 ? NNAT®-2 (Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test, Second Edition), Reasoning by Analogy

Parent, say to your child: ?Look at this puzzle.? Point to the empty box and say, ?Something is missing.? Then point to the answer choices and say, ?Which of these answer choices goes here?? (Be sure to point back to the empty box when you say ?here.?)

NYC Gifted Test Sample Question #4 ? NNAT®-2, Spatial Visualization:

Parent, say to your child: ?Look at this puzzle.? Point to the empty box and say, ?Something is missing.? Then point to the answer choices and say, ?Which of these answer choices goes here?? (Be sure to point back to the empty box when you say ?here.?)

NYC Gifted Test Sample Question #5 ? Stanford-Binet® V (Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition®), Matrices

Parent, say to your child: ?Do you see these four boxes? The pictures in the top row go together in a certain way. Now, look at the bottom row. Do you see the empty box? Which of the four pictures shown in the answer choices on the right goes with the picture in the bottom left box the same way that the two pictures in the top row go together??

In 2016 NYC Gifted &Talented program tested 14,513 kindergarten students only 4,539 became eligible. There were only 2,507 students that were offered slots throughout the city. Staten Island only had on 2% of those applicants to be offered slots. As you can see from the numbers G&T programs are in high demand with a low number of slots. Being prepared for the exam is of extreme importance. At Young Minds in Motion we will provide Test Readiness classes and prepare your child for the exam and a higher understanding in everyday interactions