What and why is it important
How do we continue this once they leave Young Minds in Motion?
Sample NYC Gifted and Talented Questions
Wondering what kinds of questions your child will be asked on the NYC Gifted and Talented Test? Here are five examples.
IMPORTANT: While the NYC Gifted and Talented Test sample questions shown on this page are representative of what your child will be seeing, they are not directly taken from the actual test being administered this year.
NYC Gifted Test Sample Question #1 — OLSAT® (Otis-Lennon School Abilities Test®, Eighth Edition), Following Directions
Parent, say to your child: “Point to the picture that shows a bird flying.”

NYC Gifted Test Sample Question #2 — OLSAT®, Aural Reasoning
Parent, say to your child: “Point to the picture that shows two animals that children often keep as pets.”

NYC Gifted Test Sample Question #3 — NNAT®-2 (Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test, Second Edition), Reasoning by Analogy
Parent, say to your child: “Look at this puzzle.” Point to the empty box and say, “Something is missing.” Then point to the answer choices and say, “Which of these answer choices goes here?” (Be sure to point back to the empty box when you say “here.”)

NYC Gifted Test Sample Question #4 — NNAT®-2, Spatial Visualization:
Parent, say to your child: “Look at this puzzle.” Point to the empty box and say, “Something is missing.” Then point to the answer choices and say, “Which of these answer choices goes here?” (Be sure to point back to the empty box when you say “here.”)

NYC Gifted Test Sample Question #5 — Stanford-Binet® V (Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales, Fifth Edition®), Matrices
Parent, say to your child: “Do you see these four boxes? The pictures in the top row go together in a certain way. Now, look at the bottom row. Do you see the empty box? Which of the four pictures shown in the answer choices on the right goes with the picture in the bottom left box the same way that the two pictures in the top row go together?”