
Welcome to the Young Minds In Motion educational center for ages
6 weeks -6 years old
Night Time Care
5:30PM - 6:30AM

Night Time Care

Have a non-traditional job? Trying to take that extra class? Or do you just need a nap? YMIM has got you covered! We offer a safe, secure, and comfortable environment. That will give your child an adequate night’s sleep supporting proper growth and development. Our overnight program provides highly qualified caregivers who will make your child feel like this is their home away from home. With nighttime stories, ocean sounds, sleep training, and much more!

Daycare / Pre-School

For ages 2-6. Your child is growing up fast and ready for a little more independence, our pre-school will be a perfect introduction.

After School

For ages up to 6. With a wide range of activities including learning, arts and crafts, imaginative play and physical activities, our staff will engage with your children.

Gifted & Talented

For ages 2-6. We prepare our students for the Gifted & Talented entry exams to give them the best opportunity to succeed.

Why Young Minds In Motion

Each child is born tabula rasa (with a clean slate), with at least one talent and one gift; most have more than one. It is our goal to identify what gifts and talents they possess. One way we do that is through PROJECT-BASED LEARNING.

We have developed specific knowledge, attitudes, and skills beyond those identified in the traditional school standards that will help our students have a successful academic experience.

Our goal is to build on students’ strengths and address areas for improvement through observations and consistent assessments.

Classroom Facilities

Our state of the art facility provides a safe and fun environment for your child to learn and grow.

Your child will love playing and exploring in our beautiful kid-friendly indoor play area. We have designed our facility with your child in mind to both stimulate and inspire.

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Anonymous Complaints

Door to door Bus pick-up and drop off service 6:30am to 7pm. Center hours 7:30am to 6pm.

Interested in enrolling your child?

Visit Us
556 Richmond Rd. SI NY 10304

1966 1st, East Harlem NY