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How did you hear about the school? Word of mouth Driving by and seeing the school The bus Online AD
Location* 556 Richmond Rd, Staten Island, NY 44 Victory Blvd, Staten Island, NY 1966 1st Avenue, East Harlem, NY
Program Selection* Child's Information Child's Name*
Gender* Male Female
Date of Birth* Child's Age* Enrollment Date SSN*
Primary Home Address*
Home Phone*
Child's Primary Residence* Child's Race (Check all that apply) Hispanic Primary Language
Primary Language Proficiency Secondary Language
Secondary Language Proficiency Enrolled Days Only Applicable to Centers Offering Part-Time Seats
Parent/Guardian Information Mother/Guardian Name*
Mother/Guardian Email*
Mother/Guardian Cell Phone*
I hereby permit Young Minds in Motion to text message my cell phone number only when important announcements must be communicated, such as emergencies, school closing, and other events that will affect my child's care. (Please Initial)*
Mother/Guardian Home Phone
Mother/Guardian Work Phone
Mother/Guardian Place of Employment
Mother's Date of Birth*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Parent/Guardian Marital Status* Father's Name
Father's Email
Father's Cell Phone
I hereby permit Young Minds in Motion to text message my cell phone number only when important announcements must be communicated, such as emergencies, school closing, and other events that will affect my child's care. (Please Initial)
Father's Home Phone
Father's Work Phone
Father's Place of Employment
Father's Date of Birth
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Parent/Guardian Marital Status Comments
Payment Option* Young Minds in Motion Disciplinary Procedures & Policies
A very important part of the preschool experience is helping children learn how to get along in the world, enjoy being with other children, and follow the direction of an adult other than their parent. A caring and positive approach will be taken regarding behavior management and discipline. The teachers will focus on the positive behaviors of the children and reinforce those behaviors as often as possible. Our goal is to help the children develop self-control and responsibility for their actions.
1. Encouraging children to use their words when having a disagreement with another child facilitating children in their attempts to settle their own disputes.
2. Redirecting behavior when this seems potentially effective.
3. Separating a child from the group (Time-Out) – one minute away for each year of age.
4. Counseling children individually about their behaviors.
5. Making parents aware of disciplinary concerns (Incident Report).
Disruptive Behavior distracts from the full benefit of the preschool program and will result in consequences. The following behaviors are considered disruptive:
• Requires constant attention from the staff
• Inflicts physical or emotional harm on other children, adults, or self
• Disrespects people and materials provided in the program
• Consistently disobeys the rules of the classroom
• Verbally threatens other students and/or staff
• Uses verbal or physical activity that diverts attention away from the group of children.
Discipline Procedures for disruptive behavior
Level 1: Student and teacher discussion, and teacher’s procedure of notification to parent through Kinderlime and phone contact. Teacher discusses behavior with the student and student receives an infraction(s) based on their choice(s). Time outs and sitting out an activity.
Level 2: Student and teacher discussion, student may possibly receive time to think about their choices, as well as teacher’s procedure of notification to parent through the class behavioral
management program.
Level 3: Once a child has served 3 time outs, or 3 parent notifications for behavior, a parent/teacher conference will be arranged to discuss positive solutions.
Level 4: Parent meeting with administration.
Level 5: Suspension –Depending on the infraction (one day up to 5 days).
Level 6: Dismissal -When little or no change is evident, and school personnel have exhausted all available means to affect change, and/or the welfare of the other students is endangered, the student will be expelled. This decision rests with the school administration.
Children cannot become self-disciplined unless adults teach them right from wrong. At Young Minds in Motion, children will be taught the expectations for correct behavior and encouraged to live and act accordingly. When children know something is wrong, and choose to do it
anyway, consequences will follow to communicate that the behavior is not acceptable and will not be tolerated in our school.
Discipline Policy Agreement* I have read Young Minds in Motion Disciplinary Policies and Procedures. I have discussed this with my child and agree to comply with the discipline policies and procedures of Young Minds in Motion
Biting Policy
Although it is not uncommon for very young children to bite, it is a behavior that is taken very seriously, and is strongly discouraged.
When children are older than 24 months, biting is less common. Language is beginning to become the tool of choice, with “No!” and “Mine!” is used most
frequently. These verbal warnings alert the teachers that it may be time to intervene, and redirect the playmates involved in another direction. When an older
child bites, the preschool’s policy is:
1st offense the child who bites will quickly be placed in “Time Out”, while the teacher comforts the child who has been bitten, and attends to
cleaning the bite. Then, the teacher will return to “Time Out” and speak with the offending child about what has happened. The child is reminded that teeth are for eating food & smiling, not for biting. Both sets of parents will
be told of the incident. The parent of the child that bit the other student will be asked to come and pick up the child for early dismissal.
2nd offense The child’s parents will be asked to keep their child at home for 2 days and focus on helping the child understand that biting is unacceptable
3rd offense removal from the program for the remainder of the school year.
Consent* I have read Young Minds Biting Policies. I have discussed this with my child and agree to comply with the biting policies and procedures of Young Minds in Motion
Transportation Agreement
I give permission for Young Minds in Motion, or any approved employee of Young Minds in Motion, to transport my child via company vehicle for the following reasons (select all that apply):Field Trips* Yes No
Morning Pick-up Service* Yes No
Evening Drop-off Service* Yes No
Excursions to the park* Yes No
Emergency Purposes* Yes No
Any* Yes No
The caregiver will never leave my child(ren) unattended in any motor vehicle or other form of transportation.
Each child will board or leave a vehicle from the curbside of the street.
My child(ren) will be secured in safety seats or by safety belts as appropriate for the age of the child(ren) in accordance with the law.
Any motor vehicle used to transport my child(ren) will have current registration and inspection stickers, and must be operated by a person who is at least 18 years of age and possesses a valid driver’s license.
The caregiver will notify me in advance of any instance where my child(ren) will be transported while in care.
This form is to authorize my child’s participation in all field trips organized and conducted by Young Minds in Motion.
This form is also a statement of release of liability as detailed below.
Note: Information will be sent home prior to each field trip detailing where the field trip will take place. You, the parent/guardian, will be allowed to disallow your child’s participation in any outing should you choose to do so.
The undersigned Parent/Guardian (hereinafter, “I”) understands that the students will be chaperoned/supervised while en route, participating and during schedule time, and that normal precautions will be taken in their interest for safety and well-being.
I hereby agree to release Young Minds in Motion and its trustees, employees, volunteers and sponsors (collectively, the “Indemnities”) and to indemnify and hold the indemnities harmless form all actions, claims, liability, and expenses, whether known or unknown, present or future
(and expressly including (1) actions brought or claims made by the student named above after reaching the age of majority, and (2) actions or claims for damages caused in whole or in part by the negligence or gross negligence of the indemnities) relating to or arising from or connected in any manner with the student’s participation in the field trip identified herein.
In case of emergency, I give my approval and authorization for first-aid treatment and any medical treatment by local physicians and/or hospital including surgical procedures. I agree to accept responsibility for payment of all charges incurred during this medical treatment.
This form must be signed and returned to the owner, director or administrator in charge of this group on the day of departure. No student will be permitted to go on the field trip that has not completed this form and returned it to the proper school personnel.
I hereby give consent to my child the use of all the equipment of the Playground on-site and/or off-site of Young Minds in Motion. Equipment of the playground includes swing sets, all climbing structure, slides, bikes, scooters. I recognize that injuries may occur. I fully understand that the members of Young Minds in Motion are not physicians or medical practitioners of any kind. With the above in mind, I hereby allow Young Minds in Motion staff members to give first aid to my child or children in the event of any injury or illness, and if deemed necessary by the Daycare to call 911 to seek medical help, including transportation to any healthcare facility or hospital.
I understand that it is the express intent of Young Minds in Motion to provide for the safety and protection of my child and, in consideration for allowing my child to play at the playground, I hereby release Young Minds in Motion and its employees from all liability for any and all damages and injuries suffered by my child while playing at the playground. I also affirm that I now have and will continue to provide proper hospitalization, health and accident insurance coverage, which I consider adequate for my child protection and my own protection. I also understand that my child will be with supervision at all times they are playing at the park. This acknowledgment of risk and waiver of liability, having been read thoroughly and understood completely, is signed voluntarily as to its content and intent.
Tuition Agreement Form Tuition Agreement* Payment Schedules
You will be billed on Fridays for payments due that Sunday which is for services for the following week. If no payment is made by Monday night, and no arrangements have been made, there will be no service until payment is made. Although your child is not allowed to attend while tuition is unpaid, you are still responsible for payment for the time they are not there. A bill will be sent to you via email and must be paid ONLY via the Procare app.
Payment Schedules Delinquent Accounts: I understand that if accounts continue to be delinquent, the center has the right to discontinue services.
Returned Checks: I understand that if my tuition check is returned for any reason, I will be charged a processing fee of $25.00. I understand that if Young Minds in Motion receives two or more returned checks from my family, they will no longer accept checks as a method of payment.
Young Minds in Motion does not discriminate based on disability in the admission/access to our program.Consent* I understand and agree with all the aforementioned terms listed in the Tuition Agreement.
Daily ProceduresAgreement
Please initial each item below:
Attendance (please initial)
I agree to sign the school attendance log when my child arrives in the morning and again when he/she is picked
up at the end of the day. No one under the age of 16 is allowed to sign my child in/out of the school.
Illness (Please Initial)
Illness: I understand that I will be notified by school personnel if my child becomes ill during the day and I agree to
make every effort to have my child picked up in a timely manner, as the health and safety of all children is of the utmost
importance. If my child is exposed to or contracts a contagious disease, I agree to notify the school and I will make certain that he/she does not return to school without written permission from my child’s doctor.
Withdrawal (Please Initial)
Withdrawal from Young Minds in Motion: I have the right to withdraw my child from the program at any time; however, I understand that I must provide a 2-week written notice of withdrawal. If this written notification is not received I
agree to pay all the tuition for the 2-week period. I understand that if I then choose to re-enroll my child, she/he will only be readmitted based upon space availability and at the current rate of tuition.
Director Withdrawal (Please Initial)
At the Director’s discretion, Young Minds in Motion has the right to ask a child to withdraw from our program. A
a two-week written notice will be given for your child not to return for the following month.
Inclement Weather (Please Initial)
Inclement Weather/School Closings: I understand that it is the Day Cares’ objective to be open during every
regularly scheduled school day; however, there are some specific days during which the school will be closed (i.e. federal holidays). In addition, inclement weather and or natural/national disaster or major building issues may necessitate an immediate school closing. This will not affect my child’s tuition in any way.
Consent* I understand and agree with all the aforementioned terms listed in the Daily Procedures.
Emergency Release and Authorized Escorts List
To maintain the safety of your children, Parents/Guardians must complete, sign, and return this form to Young Minds in Motion upon enrollment. This form shall be updated periodically or when there are changes in the Emergency Release and Authorized Escort information.
Emergency Release Contacts:
Only individuals listed below will be considered as designated emergency release persons. Government-issued ID will be required at the time of pick up. All release persons must be above 16 years of age. Please submit a photo ID of all individuals listed below.
(1) Name*
(1) Relationship to Child:*
(1) Cell Phone Number*
(1) Home Address*
(2) Name
(2) Relationship to Child:
(2) Cell Phone Number
(2) Home Address
(3) Name
(3) Relationship to Child:
(3) Cell Phone Number
(3) Home Address
(4) Name
(4) Relationship to Child:
(4) Cell Phone Number
(4) Home Address
(5) Name
(5) Relationship to Child:
(5) Cell Phone Number
(5) Home Address
(6) Name
(6) Relationship to Child:
(6) Cell Phone Number
(6) Home Address
Consent* I authorize this childcare center to release my child to the individuals I have identified above.
Authorized Escorts List Form
(1) Authorized Escort Name*
(1) Relationship to child*
(1) Home Address*
(1) Preferred Contact Method* Mobile/Cell Telephone Home Telephone Work Telephone Text (Mobile) E-mail
(1) Mobile/Cell Number*
(1) Home Phone Number*
(1) Work Phone Number*
(1) Email*
(2) Authorized Escort Name
(2) Relationship to child
(2) Home Address
(2) Preferred Contact Method Mobile/Cell Telephone Home Telephone Work Telephone Text (Mobile) E-mail
(2) Mobile/Cell Number
(2) Home Phone Number
(2) Work Phone Number
(2) Email
Health Insurance Information
Health Insurance Provider*
Policy #*
Policy Holder Name*
Dental Included?* Pediatrician*
Pediatrician's Number*
Child Illness Policy
On the average, babies experience eight to ten illnesses a year; preschoolers experience almost as many.
We know that managing the demands of work can be challenging when your child is ill. We strive to limit the spread of communicable diseases in our centers and are committed to implementing policies that balance and respect the needs of children, families, and staff in these circumstances. Our Child Illness Policy is based on the Model Health Care Policies developed by the American Academy of Pediatrics. Young Minds in Motion understands that it is difficult for a parent/guardian to leave or miss work; therefore, it is suggested that alternative arrangements be made for occasions when children must
remain at home or be picked up due to illness. Exclusion from the center is sometimes necessary either to reduce the transmission of illness or because the center is not able to adequately meet the needs of the child. Mild illnesses are common among children, and infections are often spread before the onset of any symptoms. In these cases, we try to keep the children comfortable throughout the day. Reasons Young Minds in Motion may exclude children include (but are not limited to) the following:
• Illness that prevents the child from participating comfortably in program activities, such as going
• Illness that results in a greater need for care than our staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children.
• Illness that poses a risk of spread of harmful disease to others
• Severely ill appearance
• Fever of I 00 degrees or above (axillary); IO I or above (orally) or an equivalent measure accompanied by behavior change or other signs and symptoms.
• Fever of I 00 degrees or above (axillary) or IO I or above (orally) in an infant younger than two months; such circumstances should be medically evaluated within an hour
• Fever of I 04° F or greater in a child of any age (requires immediate medical attention)
• Diarrhea; watery stools or decreased form of stool not associated with the change of diet; stool not contained in the diaper; child unable to reach the toilet; or stool frequency that exceeds 2 or more stools above normal for that child.
• Cases of bloody diarrhea and diarrhea caused by Shigella, salmonella, Shiga toxin-producing E coli,
Cryptosporidium or G intestinalis must be cleared for readmission by a health care professional.
• Blood or mucus in the stools not explained by dietary change, medication, or hard stools.
• Vomiting more than 2 times in the previous 24 hours (unless the vomiting is determined to be caused by a
non-communicable condition and the child is not in danger of dehydration).
• Mouth sores with drooling (unless the child's medical provider or local health department authority states that the child is noninfectious).
• Abdominal pain that continues for more than 2 hours; intermittent abdominal pain associated with fever, dehydration, or other signs of illness.
• Rash with fever or behavioral changes (unless a physician has determined it is not a communicable disease).
• Skin sores weeping fluid and on an exposed area that cannot be covered.
• Purulent conjunctivitis (defined as pink or red conjunctiva with white or yellow eye discharge) until on antibiotics
for 24 hours.
• Impetigo until 24 hours after treatment has been started.
• Strep throat (or other streptococcal infection) until 24 hours after treatment has been started.
• Head lice or nits until after the first treatment.
• Rubella, until 7 days after the rash appears.
• Scabies until 24 hours after treatment has been started.
• Chickenpox, until all lesions have dried or crusted (usually 6 days after onset of rash).
• Pertussis (whooping cough) until 5 days of antibiotics.
• Mumps, until 5 days after onset of parotid gland swelling.
• Measles, until 4 days after onset of rash.
• Hepatitis A virus until I week after onset of illness or jaundice or as directed by the health department (if the
child's symptoms are mild).
• Tuberculosis, until the child's medical provider or local health department, states the child is on appropriate
treatment and can return.
• Any child determined by the local health department to be contributing to the transmission of illness during an
outbreak. For your child's comfort, and to reduce the risk of contagion, we ask that children be picked up within 1.5 hours of notification. Until then, your child will be kept comfortable and will continue to be observed for symptoms. Children need to remain home for 24 hours without symptoms before returning to the program unless the center receives a note from the child's medical provider stating that the child is not contagious and may return to the center. A note from the child's medical provider is required before any child can return to school if they have been absent for two consecutive days or more regardless of the illness. Children who have been absent may return when:
• They are free of fever, vomiting, and diarrhea for a full 24 hours.
• They have been treated with an antibiotic for a full 24 hours.
• They are able to participate comfortably in all usual program activities, including outdoor time.
• They are free of open, oozing skin conditions and/or excessive mucus unless
• the child's medical provider signs a note stating that the child's condition is not contagious, and
• the involved areas can be covered by a bandage without seepage or drainage through the bandage.
• For those children previously suffering from diarrhea or excessively lose bowel movements, readmission can
occur when toilet-trained children no longer have toileting accidents and diapered children cease from having
diarrhea. If a child is excluded because of a reportable communicable disease, a note from the child's medical provider stating that the child is no longer contagious is mandatory. Ultimately, the final decision on whether to exclude a child from the program due to illness will be made by the Director at Young Minds in Motion based on the safety or concern for all of the other children.
Note: Please be aware that Notes allowing for a child's return to the center after exclusion due to illness must
originate from the child's medical provider.
A note was written and signed by the child's parent/guardian who is also a physician is not acceptable. Consent* I agree with the above terms.
Photo Consent Form
Photos are taken daily in our classrooms to capture the milestones that your child achieves. Photos are used for weekly newsletters, our website, quarterly parents and family newsletters, and printed marketing materials.
Consent* I agree to the privacy policy.
Upon entry, the following items are required.Please make certain that all items are clearly labeled with
your child’s name, so we can assure that it will be used for your child only. List is subject to change.
•Potty Training Pull-Ups with Velcro on the Sides)
• Baby Wipes
• Seasonal Change of Clothing (pants, shirt, socks, underwear, etc.)
• Two (2) Crib Size Sheets and Two (2) Blankets for Nap-time (23" x 51")
• (1) Pair of Crocs /Garden Shoes
• One supply box with supplies. The student's teacher will provide a list. Consent* I agree with the above terms.
Signature* Email
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.