Rebuild your temple chess program is a sixteen-week program structured to teach our children the fundamentals of playing chess and how chess is applicable to basic decision making in life.  The key elements to rebuild your temple chess programming guide is the intellectual and cognitive development, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills that will be developed by playing chess.

Intellectual and Cognitive Development:

Is the concept of taking an idea or a thought through a thorough thinking process? The human brain projects many ideas per second, but everyone’s mechanics don’t work the same; on the other hand, cognitive development depends upon the child’s own pattern of development.  With R.Y.T., this program will challenge the intellect of the child’s mind by enhancing their thought process with conceptual ideas that they can achieve. Having the ability to make a conscious decision before you make a move is having the ability to put mind before matter. Cognitive development is about how we use our minds and organized thinking to understand the world around us.  

Cognitive and intellectual development includes:

Imagination- Is being able to picture things when they are not in front of you. Chess enhances the imagination of children because the chess board doesn’t have to be in front of the player in order for the player to be a king, Queen, Bishop, Knight, Castle/rook, or Pawns of the world

Creativity- Is being able to express imaginative ideas in a unique way.

Concepts- Is Putting information into an understanding form. The chess board consists of numbers, letters, shapes, time, and colors. Which is a combination of mathematics and reality.  Which the chess board is able to bring different concepts together to make a game synonymous with life’s realities.

Memory- Is the ability to store and recall information, ideas, and events.  In chess memorizing the rules of the game along with the value of the pieces, gives one the confidence to fight the challenge on the board and in the real world.

Concentration- is the ability to pay attention.  Children tend to concentrate more if they are interested in the task/activity.  They need to concentration to be able to store and sort information. Chess allows children to think before moving a piece, as in life we all must evaluate all options before we make a move in order to make the best possible move available.

Critical Thinking:

 Is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action.  The conscious state of being able to think for yourself and others people around you. Critical thinking skills are very important for decision making. These thinking skills are critical because it is the key to understanding that problems will occur in life, but understanding the science of problems will give you the power to properly solve them.  Everyone has problems, what everyone doesn’t have is peace. Knowing and understanding this, the perception of reasoning should be analyzed through a thorough thinking process. Understanding that all actions have a cause and effect. In chess when a move is made, the opponent has to evaluate all possible moves of attack before reacting to the move. This will give the player the best move to make despite the situation at hand.

Problem Solving:

Correct problem solving finds the best road to take when making short and long-term decisions.  Students of R.Y.T. chess program are provided with a firm and clear method for weighing the benefits of positive problem solving as opposed to negative problem-solving.  A thinker who focuses on the problem and tries to synthesize information and knowledge to achieve a solution is a positive problem solver. In contrast when a thinker makes a move before gathering the correct knowledge needed for the best move possible that’s negative problem-solving. In basic mathematics and also in life’s experiences there is a solution for all the problems we face as beings. To bridge that gap between problem and solution there lies a formula.  In my life’s experiences, teamwork has been a vital method in problem-solving. In chess knowing all your pieces, their value, and the rules of the game is a huge step towards the victory of winning the game. Every move from your opponent will bring you a different problem, once you identify the problem, think of all options, then work out a solution that benefits your team (pieces) and you should win the game.

Rebuild Your Temple 16 week Programming Guild:

Week 1: Knowledge of the chessboard

Week 2: Knowledge of the chess pieces.

Week 3: Knowledge of the moves of the pieces.

Week 4: Knowledge of the rules and regulations of the game.

Week 5: knowledge of the importance of defensive strategies.

Week 6: Knowledge of the importance of offensive strategies.

Week 7: Knowledge of the importance of Team Work.

Week 8: Writing Quiz on the understanding of the game.

Week 9-16: create chess tournament for all who completed the first 8 weeks. The tournament will be an 8-week tournament.  Allowing all kids enrolled to participate in competing with each other and the last week of the tournament all enrolled will receive a chess trophy or a chess plaque for their participation in R.Y.T. chess program.