That’s a great question. We realize what a big decision it is to enroll your child into preschool. We know you have many choices and we appreciate you choosing our school. Getting a sound educational foundation is one reason. We are not a daycare or even a preschool, we consider ourselves to be an academy of learning. We have tailored our curriculum to include a special focus on gifted and talented test ready skills from the moment they begin their educational journey with us. This preparation will give students an advantage to entering kindergarten. We support that test prep with a well-rounded curriculum with a strong emphasis on the whole child. We start by making you and your child feel a part of the YMIM family. A child can’t learn if they don’t feel safe and connected. As a parent, you need peace of mind that they are learning in a safe and trusted environment. One way we do that is with OUR APP that you download to your phone. This App is updated throughout the day with pictures and messages from your child’s teacher. Everything from what time your child used the bathroom to what they are learning is on the app. These are just some of the reasons why you should consider choosing YMIM. We look forward to you coming in to find out for yourself. We also offer a one-week free trial.

Upon entering kindergarten, every child in NY can sit and take the G&T test. The test is to determine if your child is eligible to go to a specialized school or classroom with only other G&T students. To qualify, your child must get a minimum score of being in the 90th percentile. It is extremely competitive to get accepted into one of these schools. If you feel your local elementary school in your area isn’t a good choice and you can’t afford to put your child in private school, getting into a G&T school is another option to attend a better performing school. The program is 100% free within the NYCDOE. We work very hard to ensure that every student who attends YMIM stands ready to sit for the exam. To support this sense of readiness, we have partnered with Testing Mom, one of the nation’s leading companies in gifted and talented test prep.

We cover the same standards. We cover the same units of study. Your child will get everything a student in a regular school is getting. We differ in the way that we incorporate different books and activities. We pride ourselves in our enrichment programs that are extras to the curriculum like our G&T prep program, strong literacy component, financial literacy by using the PBIS model, where students get to earn money (school scholar dollars) based on their positive behavior throughout the week; at the end of the week, the students can purchase a toy from our toy box or bank/save the money and earn interest for a future purchase; additionally, they can choose to lend the money to a fellow student at an even higher interest rate. We use a project-based approach, using real-life to teach textbook instructions.

We introduce Spanish to our 3k and 4k students. Mandarin is introduced to our 4k students in the second half of the semester.

One of the founders of the school has a child who is on the spectrum and autistic. We take this early intervention identification very seriously and know the importance of the role the school plays in helping a child and family. We partner with Challenge for early intervention for children under the age of 3. For children older than 3 we have partnered with the DOE, Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE). We have also partnered with Island Kids Pediatrics, so every child has access to a qualified doctor to assist with some of the initial screening to identify proper development in a child. We are currently building additional space such that if a child has an IEP and services are needed and a pull out is necessary, such as speech or PT/OT, they will have a private area for the child to meet with the provider.
We start bus pick up at 6 am and the last drop off is 7:30 pm. School hours are from 7:45 am to 5:45 pm. Parents needing extended hours or early drop off are recommended to use bus service
Private tuition is $350 per week ages 2-3. $300 per week ages 3-5. Breakfast, lunch, and snack are included along with all school supplies. There are discounts on a per-family basis.
Yes. The bus is $15 each way per week. Discounts are given on a per-family basis.
Yes. Think of preschool like college. Once you are enrolled regardless if you miss a day or the school is closed tuition still has to be paid. The department of health only allows a certain number of students to be enrolled so once you are enrolled that slot is yours until you are no longer enrolled. To help with the cost of tuition every Sunday from 1-3 pm a specialist comes to the school to help assist in filling out the paperwork for an HRA voucher.

Enrollment is very easy. The first step is to go on our website and click on the enroll tab. Once you enroll you will be given a text, email, or phone call in that order by the owner / CEO to introduce himself and say thank you for enrolling your child. At that time, he will set up a date for you to have a tour with either himself or the educational director. Once the tour is complete, if you like the school and wish to continue, you will be emailed a full enrollment packet including a medical form. Once you hand in the full enrolment packet including medical and vaccines, you will be put on the schedule for a one-week free trial. A few days before the free trial you will be given a call by your child’s teacher. This is an opportunity for you to share things about your child that will help the teacher to prepare for your child. Some of these questions may be what their sleep habits are, what do they like to eat, how you calm them down when they are upset, etc. During the week of the free trial, your child will be given a milestone assessment identifying what your child can know and do at their age. At the end of the week, you will have an opportunity to go over the assessment with the teacher. That week you will be notified if your child has been accepted to the school. *** The assessment of your child does not determine if your child is accepted into the school. Enrollment decisions are based on the child’s behavior, parent involvement, and your child’s readiness to be in a school setting.

As working parents, we understand how hard it is to find childcare especially on days school is closed so we try to close the school as little as possible. Last year we were closed 6 times. The full schedule is included in the full enrollment package.

Yes, we welcome it. We are a school that services the whole family. If you are currently studying or looking to get into childcare, please visit our career tab. If you are on public assistance and your child gets enrolled in our school, YMIM is a certified back to work job site with HRA. You can work at the school. Go to the partner’s tab and learn more.

Pull-ups, sheets for a cot, blanket, crocs, and special dietary foods if necessary.

Regina Caters provides a balanced mean of appropriate fiber, carbohydrates, and protein throughout the day. The menu is posted in our weekly newsletter. In our newsletter, you will also find what our students will be learning for the upcoming week, any trips or important information. It even has what actives and events are going on throughout the town on the weekends.

The safety of your children comes first. There are cameras in each classroom and all around the outside of the building. Although you don’t have access to the cameras, we have hired an independent company to monitor the cameras. Their sole purpose is to make sure the staff is keeping your child safe.